KATYA❤️ (21 gads)

Я вернулась в Ригу! Приятная молодая девушка,  приходи в гости или приеду к тебе😘…

KATYA❤️ (21 gads)

Я вернулась в Ригу! Приятная молодая девушка, приходи в гости или приеду к тебе😘… Lasīt vairāk...

Lasīts - 8361

VIP sludinājuma darbības termiņš: 2025.01.09 14:41:30

peace (23)

i am a sweet girl looking for man i am a sweet girl looking for mani am a sweet girl looking for man

peace (23)

i am a sweet girl looking for mani am a sweet girl looking for mani am a sweet girl looking for mani am a sweet girl looking for mani am a sweet girl looking for mani am a sweet girl looking for mani am a sweet girl looking for mani am a sweet girl looking for man

ayashababy (25)

i am a looking fine girl from libyan looking for a serius man for trustee partner and marriage as God deire

joyce (24)

i am a young undergraduate university girl understanding cool headed easygoing a role model with nice sense of humor. am here looking for my would be partner

Ms. Celine (23)

Hellow loversHellow loversHellow loversHellow loversHellow loversHellow loversHellow loversHellow lovers

arielle (23)

am a good looking girl seeking for my husband to be, he who will call me his wife.

arielle (23)

am looking for a nice looking man to call my husband.

Rita (24)

i will really cares to who it may concern!i will really cares to who it may concern!i will really cares to who it may concern!

emily (23)

i am looking for a serious relationship

Rossy (24)

Hi there, I'm Rossy. I'm a single 24yr old female. I have long dark brown hair, brown eyes and Im a busty size 10. I'm an outgoing person who enjoys a laugh and I dont tend to take life too seriously. I love meeting new people and making new friends, as the saying goes 'there are no such things as strangers, just friends we have yet to meet'. Age and looks are not important to me, Im more interested in a person who can hold a good conversation. Whats the point in looking like a model if you cant string a sentence together??? So if you like what you see, drop me a line :)

dion (23)

būt kopā ar jums un mīlu jūs labāk be there for you and love you for better

userose (23)

nice to be here meeting the one

royal (23)

Very easy going, yet ambitious and hardworking, I belive in taking life as it comes. I love travelling, reading and meeting new people and making new friends. On a given day, I can wither be found on a beach or in a coffee shop (depending upon the weather!!)

alicialove (24)

iam loving, caring, romantic, kind and honest person. I'm looking for a long term relations with the happy marriage. I want to share everything with my future husband. We'll have our joy, our success and our problems which we'll always decide together. I'm a very open person, and I don't like hiding anything. I want to give all my love to the husband of my life. And my husband will be the only one for me, because I'm a very devoted person. I hate lie and betray, and I'll never

alicia (24)

iam loving, caring, romantic, kind and honest person. I'm looking for a long term relations with the happy marriage. I want to share everything with my future husband. We'll have our joy, our success and our problems which we'll always decide together. I'm a very open person, and I don't like hiding anything. I want to give all my love to the husband of my life. And my husband will be the only one for me, because I'm a very devoted person. I hate lie and betray, and I'll never
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