Ad ID: #8013763
Bottom boy♥️ (20 years)
Sveiki!🌸 Meklēju sev sugardaddy/ kādu kas spēj un var mani palutinat un iepriecināt, šoreiz sex paliek otrajā vietā, nemeklēju kas par sexu man samaksās 20€. Ja esi ieinteresēts, gaidu vēstuli un iepazistini ar sevi, un ko veliesnun sagaidi pretī.Hello! 🌸I'm looking for a sugardaddy/ someone who can pamper and please me, this time sex comes second, I'm not looking for someone who will pay me 20€ for sex. If you are interested, I am waiting for a letter and introduce yourself and what you expect in return.
Ad ID | #8013763 |
Name | Bottom boy♥️ |
Age | 20 |
City | Rīga, Centrs |
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Added | Aug. 2024 |
Views | 209 |