Ad ID: #7823230
Poorab (27 years)
Sensual Indian massage (60 or 90 minutes)Experience the ancient art of Indian massage where I will use gentle, teasing strokes combined with deep tissue techniques to awaken your senses and melt away tension. Indulge in a world of blissful relaxation as my skilled hands carefully and skillfully move through your body, including feet, head, ass, and dick massage with happy Ending (By hand).
Indian Ayurvedic oil and Indian incense with sandalwood fragrance.
A massage table, towel, and shower are available. Whatsapp 2481**** Get phone number
Izbaudiet seno Indijas masāžas mākslu, kurā es izmantošu maigus, ķircinošus sitienus apvienojumā ar dziļo audu paņēmieniem, lai atmodinātu jūsu sajūtas un izkausētu spriedzi. Ļaujieties svētlaimīgas relaksācijas pasaulei, kad manas prasmīgās rokas uzmanīgi un prasmīgi pārvietojas pa jūsu ķermeni, ieskaitot pēdu, galvas, dupša un pena masāžu ar laimīgām beigām (ar roku).
Indijas ājurvēdas eļļa un Indijas vīraks ar sandalkoka aromātu.
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1. Send SMS with text PUHF7823230 uz numuru

Price: 1 € (One-time payment)
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Ad ID | #7823230 |
Name | Poorab |
Age | 27 |
City | Rīga, Centrs |
Phone number | +3712481**** Get phone number |
hor*** Get e-mail |
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Added | May 2024 |
Views | 120 |